About the Program

该证书在拜占庭音乐程序装备学生掌握所需的技能,吟诵东正教教堂的神圣赞美诗. The program provides thorough knowledge of the psaltic notational system, the theoretical framework of the modal system, the ability to sight-read musical scores at all levels of complexity, 以及对礼仪书籍的内容和用法以及东正教的教规的广泛熟悉. Upon completion of its requirements, 学生将能够执行所有的音乐部分的日常礼仪周期和东正教教堂的圣礼.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates will demonstrate:
1. Knowledge of the notational system of the Psaltic Art.
2. Knowledge of the 理论 of the eight modes
3. 能视读各种复杂程度的诗篇乐谱
4. Thorough familiarity with the contents and usage of music books
5. Extensive familiarity with the contents and usage of liturgical books
5. 广泛熟悉拜占庭礼仪礼仪的规则
6. 能够演奏希腊东正教教堂日常办公的所有音乐部分
7. 能演奏希腊东正教圣礼的所有音乐部分


报名参加这个项目是开放的神学硕士学位的候选人以及其他感兴趣的学生. 成功完成该课程所需的核心课程包括以下课程:拜占庭音乐和赞美诗的历史, Ecclesiastical Chant in English, and Byzantine Music I-X. 课程是按照希腊的音乐学院和拜占庭音乐学校的标准. 学生 enrolled in this program are required, in addition to their formal in-class training, 参与唱诗班的工作,并每日在教堂应用他们的唱诗技巧.

For MDiv candidates who wish to enroll in the Certificate program, 除了MDiv课程所需的选修课程外,还必须学习拜占庭音乐VII-X和拜占庭音乐和赞美诗的历史. Upon completion of the required coursework, 学生还必须在指定的专家委员会前通过全面的期末口试.



没有参加神学课程的个人(今后称为诗篇艺术学生)需要遵循一个专业, rigorous two-year course of studies, which consists of 19.5个学分. They are also encouraged, but not required, to take electives in theological courses, New Testament Greek, 现代希腊, 服务评估准则, 和礼拜学. 圣诗艺术专业的学生也被要求参加圣十字拜占庭合唱团,并在礼拜仪式期间加入合唱团. 另外, 在他们的第二年,他们可能会被要求领导圣歌实验室,并可能被考虑担任圣歌小组组长的职位.



秋季学期 春季学期
第一年 第一年
服务评估准则 1.5 cr. Byzantine Music I 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr. Holy Week Seminar 0 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr.
秋季学期 春季学期
第二年 第二年
Byzantine Music II 1.5 cr. Byzantine Music III 1.5 cr.
Byzantine Music IV 1.5 cr. Byzantine Music V 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr. Byzantine Music VII 1.5 cr.
Byzantine Music IX 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr.
Byzantine Music VI 1.5 cr.
Byzantine Music VIII 1.5 cr.
Byzantine Music X 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5cr

Total Credits: 19
学生 have the opportunity to take additional music offerings when available. 例如:声乐课、拜占庭音乐史、教会英语圣歌.


In order to be awarded a 圣十字 Certificate in Byzantine Music, 符合资格的MDiv考生和诗歌艺术学生必须在指定委员会前成功通过综合口试.

Learn about the examination process


学费: 19.5个学分 x $950/credit = $18,525
Final exam fee (individual evaluation by expert panel): $1,500
Qualification fee: 在HCHC以外接受培训的唱诗班,如果只打算参加期末考试,收费300美元

Certificate program students will be charged the following as applicable:

  • Student fees – same fees as HCHC students, except no graduation fee
  • 住房-与HCHC学生相同的单元,但在选择过程中的优先级较低
  • College discounts – eligible but given lower priority than HCHC students

*HCHC students will not be charged additional tuition to enroll in this program unless they go into overload (>18 credits/semester), 在这种情况下,每学期超过18学分的学生将被收取950美元/学分.


All interested candidates must complete the Certificate in Byzantine Music application. In addition, candidates must submit:

  • 一封求职信,附上一份简短的个人陈述,说明你为什么对这个项目感兴趣
  • An updated resume
  • Your most recent academic transcript
  • Copy of any diplomas/degrees
  • Two letters of reference (at least one should be from a past instructor)
  • A non-refundable application fee of $50

请将申请表及所有相关文件寄回Nick Moutsioulis, Associate Director of 招生, at nmoutsioulis@trc-int.com,或邮寄至:

Hellenic College 圣十字, Office of 招生
50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445
